- “United States of America: Capitalising on Crisis,” in Data Justice and COVID-19: Global Perspectives, eds. Linnet Taylor, Gargi Sharma, Aaron Martin, & Shazade Jameson (London: Meatspace Press, 2020), 284-91.
- “Property and the Construction of the Information Economy: A Neo-Polanyian Ontology,” in Handbook of Digital Media and Communication, eds. Leah Lievrouw & Brian Loader (Routledge, 2020), 333-49.
- “Networks, Standards, and Network-and-Standard-Based Governance,” in After the Digital Tornado: Networks, Algorithms, Humanity, ed. Kevin Werbach (Cambridge University Press, 2020), 58-80.
- “The Emergent Limbic Media System,” in Life and the Law in the Era of Data-Driven Agency, eds. Mireille Hildebrandt & Kieron O’Hara (Edward Elgar, 2019), 60-79.
- “Surveillance vs. Privacy: Effects and Implications,” in The Cambridge Handbook of Surveillance Law, eds. David Gray & Stephen E. Henderson (Cambridge University Press, 2017), 455-69.
- “The Surveillance-Innovation Complex: The Irony of the Participatory Turn,” in The Participatory Condition in the Digital Age, eds., Darin Barney, et al. (University of Minnesota Press, 2016), 207-26.
- “Between Truth and Power,” in Information, Freedom, and Property: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology, eds. Mireille Hildebrandt and Bibi van den Berg (Routledge, 2016), 57-80.
- “The Networked Self in the Modulated Society,” in Crossroads in New Media, Identity and Law: The Shape of Diversity to Come, eds. Wouter de Been & Mireille Hildebrandt (Palgrave, 2015), 67-79.
- “Configuring the Networked Citizen,” in Imagining New Legalities: Privacy and Its Possibilities in the 21st Century, eds. Lawrence Douglas, Austin Sarat, & Martha Merrill Umphrey (Stanford University Press, 2012), 129-53.
- “Copyright and Creativity,” in Copyright Future, Copyright Freedom: Proceedings of the Conference at Old Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, eds. Brian Fitzgerald & Benedict Atkinson (Sydney University Press, 2011), 147-60.
- “Copyright, Commodification, and Culture: Locating the Public Domain,” in The Future of the Public Domain, eds. P. Bernt Hugenholtz & Lucie Guibault (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2006), 121-66.
- “The Challenge of Digital Rights Management Technologies,” in The Role of Scientific and Technical Data and Information in the Public Domain: Proceedings of a Symposium, eds. Julie M. Esanu & Paul F. Uhlir (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2003), 109-16.
- “Intellectual Property and the Information Economy,” in Cyber Policy and Economics in an Internet Age, eds. William Lehr & Lorenzo Pupillo (Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002), 95-112.
- “Information Rights and Intellectual Freedom,” in Ethics and the Internet, ed. Anton Vedder (Antwerp: Intersentia, 2001), 11-32.
- (With William M. Martin) “Intellectual Property Rights in Data,” in Information Systems and the Environment (Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2001), 45-55.
- “WIPO Copyright Treaty Implementation in the U.S.: Will Fair Use Survive?,” in Copyright Elettronico e Licenze Digitali: Dov’e L’Inganno? / Electronic Copyright and Digital Licensing: Where Are the Pitfalls? (Rome: Italian Library Association AIB, 2000), 48-57.
- “From Lex Informatica to the Control Revolution,” 36 Berkeley Technology Law Journal (forthcoming 2022).
- “How (Not) to Write a Privacy Law,” Essays on Data and Democracy, Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University (Mar. 23, 2021).
- “Tailoring Election Regulation: The Platform Is the Frame,” 4 Georgetown Law Technology Review 641 (2020).
- “Internet Utopianism and the Practical Inevitability of Law,” 18 Duke Law & Technology Review 85 (2019).
- “Surveillance Capitalism as Legal Entrepreneurship,” 17 Surveillance & Society 240 (2019) (review of Shoshana Zuboff, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism).
- “Turning Privacy Inside Out,” 20 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 1 (2019).
- “Introduction: Information Platforms and the Law,” 2 Georgetown Law Technology Review 191 (2018).
- “Law for the Platform Economy,” 51 U.C. Davis Law Review 133 (2017).
- “The Biopolitical Public Domain: The Legal Construction of the Surveillance Economy,” Philosophy & Technology 31(2): 213-233 (2018).
- “Information Privacy Litigation as Bellwether for Institutional Change,” 66 DePaul Law Review 535 (2017).
- “Affording Fundamental Rights: A Provocation Inspired by Mireille Hildebrandt,” 4 Critical Analysis of Law 78 (2017)
- “The Regulatory State in the Information Age,” 17 Theoretical Inquiries in Law 369 (2016).
- “Property as Institutions for Resources: Lessons from and for IP,” 94 Texas Law Review 1 (2015).
- “The Zombie First Amendment,” 56 William & Mary Law Review 1119 (2015).
- “Studying Law Studying Surveillance,” 13 Surveillance & Society 91 (2015).
- “What Privacy Is For,” 126 Harvard Law Review 1904 (2013).
- “Power/Play: Discussion of Configuring the Networked Self,” 6 Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies 137 (2012).
- “Irrational Privacy?” 10 Journal of Telecommunications & High Technology Law 241 (2012).
- “Copyright as Property in the Post-Industrial Economy: A Research Agenda,” 2011 Wisconsin Law Review 141 (2011).
- “The Inverse Relationship Between Secrecy and Privacy,” Social Research 77(3): 883-98 (2010).
- “Privacy, Visibility, Transparency, and Exposure,” 75 University of Chicago Law Review 181 (2008).
- “Network Stories,” 70 Law & Contemporary Problems 91 (2007).
- “Creativity and Culture in Copyright Theory,” 40 U.C. Davis Law Review 1151 (2007).
- “Cyberspace as/and Space,” 107 Columbia Law Review 210 (2007).
- “Pervasively Distributed Copyright Enforcement,” 95 Georgetown Law Journal 1 (2006).
- “The Place of the User in Copyright Law,” 74 Fordham Law Review 347 (2005).
- “Copyright’s Public-Private Distinction,” 55 Case Western Reserve Law Review 963 (2005).
- “DRM and Privacy,” 18 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 575 (2003).
- “Overcoming Property: Does Copyright Trump Privacy?,” 2003 University of Illinois Journal of Law, Technology & Policy 375 (2003).
- Reprinted in 1 ICFAI Journal of Intellectual Property Rights 29 (2004) (ICFAI University, Hyderabad, India).
- “Fair Use Infrastructure for Rights Management Systems,” 15 Harvard Journal of Law & Technology 41 (2001) (with Dan L. Burk).
- Reprinted in 3 Intellectual Property Law & Policy Journal 131 (2004) (Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan).
- “Privacy, Ideology, and Technology: A Response to Jeffrey Rosen,” 89 Georgetown Law Journal 2029 (2001).
- “Patent Scope and Innovation in the Software Industry,” 89 California Law Review 1 (2001) (with Mark A. Lemley).
- “Copyright and the Perfect Curve,” 53 Vanderbilt Law Review 1799 (2000).
- Reprinted in Richard S. Gruner, ed., Intellectual Property and Digital Content, vol. 1 (Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar 2013)
- “Examined Lives: Informational Privacy and the Subject as Object,” 52 Stanford Law Review 1373 (2000).
- Reprinted in Paul Schiff Berman, ed., Law and Society Approaches to Cyberspace (Hampshire, UK: Ashgate Publishing 2007).
- “WIPO Treaty Implementation in the United States: Will Fair Use Survive?,” 21 European Intellectual Property Review 236 (1999).
- “Copyright and the Jurisprudence of Self-Help,” 13 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1089 (1998).
- “Lochner in Cyberspace: The New Economic Orthodoxy of ‘Rights Management,’” 97 Michigan Law Review 462 (1998).
- “Some Reflections on Copyright Management Systems and Laws Designed to Protect Them,” 12 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 161 (1997).
- “A Right to Read Anonymously: A Closer Look at ‘Copyright Management’ in Cyberspace,” 28 Connecticut Law Review 981 (1996).
- “Reverse Engineering and the Rise of Electronic Vigilantism: Intellectual Property Implications of ‘Lock-Out’ Programs,” 68 Southern California Law Review 1091 (1995).